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Euridice opéra séjours culturels
Hotel Luc, Autograph Collection ****

With its rather imposing size and its 92 rooms, the Luc **** hotel remains an establishment with an intimate atmosphere offering a demanding but relaxed vision of luxury. In a historical nod, Prussian blue appears almost everywhere in the hotel, creating a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. However, the establishment is in the heart of Berlin since it overlooks Gendarmenmarkt square. The hotel also has a gym with sauna and hammam and a restaurant with contemporary cuisine.

sejours lyriques euridice opera Hotel Luc, Autograph Collection sejours lyriques euridice opera Hotel Luc, Autograph Collection sejours lyriques euridice opera Hotel Luc, Autograph Collection sejours lyriques euridice opera Hotel Luc, Autograph Collection sejours lyriques euridice opera Hotel Luc, Autograph Collection sejours lyriques euridice opera Hotel Luc, Autograph Collection
Euridice Opéra
5 rue du 4 septembre
13100 Aix-en-Provence

+33 (0) 442 91 33 91

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